90 Million Second Language Speakers

125 Million Speakers Worldwide

Our Services

Swahili Translation Services

At Translate UK we provide a professional Swahili translation service, as well as Swahili interpreters. As one of the most widely spoken languages across Africa, Swahili is vital for communicating with a large number of people.

Swahili Document Translation

Swahili Legal Translations

Swahili Technical Translations


Swahili Interpreters

We also provide Swahili interpreters for both face-to-face and remote appointments. All of our interpreters are qualified, experienced professionals.  Get in touch today to find out how we can meet your language needs.

Swahili Face-To-Face Interpreters

Swahili Remote Interpreters

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    Specialist Support

    A Full Range of Language Services

    We supply translators and interpreters to suit a range of business needs.  Whether you need a specialist, who understands industry terminology, or an interpreter for a short notice video meeting, we work to ensure you have the right language support for your business. 

    About Swahili

    The History of the Swahili Language

    The Swahili language is part of the Niger-Congo language family and originated with the Bantu people on the East African coast. Swahili’s vocabulary has long shared similarities with the Taita, Pokomo and Mijikenda languages. As the language evolved, Swahili added loan words from Persian, Hindustani Malay, and Arabic, with Arabic contributing the majority. Later Portuguese was introduced to the area and contributed additional loan words. Today 30% of Swahili’s language is derived from loan words.

    Historically, Swahili has been written in the Arabic alphabet, with its earliest document dating to 1711, however today Swahili is written using the Latin alphabet.

    Swahili is known natively as Kiswahili and is one of the most widely spoken languages on the African continent. Swahili is spoken in the African Great Lakes region including Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, all of which recognise Swahili as an official language in their country. In addition to this Swahili is spoken in parts of Southern Africa and East Africa, including Mozambique and Burundi where Swahili is recognised as a minority language.

    Swahili is commonly used as a lingua franca across these regions and is one of the working languages of the African Union. Swahili is also used as an official language by the East African Community and the Southern Africa Development Community.

    It is difficult to know how many people speak Swahili, but some estimates are as high as 150 million. Swahili is an ideal language for reaching larger audiences across many regions of Africa. Swahili is well known both as a first and second language and is used in business, trade, and marketing.

    number of native language speakers in the world
    27 th
    most widely spoken language worldwide
    14 th
    Our Benefits

    Why Use Us?

    We pride ourselves on offering our customers the best service possible. 





    We Meet Tight Deadlines

    We know how important deadlines are, so we work hard to meet even the tightest of deadlines.

    We specialise in finding last minute interpreters, and in many instances, our translations take no longer than 48 hours to be returned. We have at times been able to provide same-day translations, and our linguists can provide sight-translations at appointments or in court.

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